Hi, I am

Dr. Mohsin Raza Khan

I’m committed to helping you achieve financial independence. With a Ph.D. in finance and years of practical experience, I’ll share insights and strategies that have worked for me.

Mohsin Raza Khan Picture

My story is Simple. For 14 years, I worked a 9-to-5 job, barely saving and living paycheck to paycheck. In 2017, when I obtained my Ph.D., I believed I was qualified enough to switch jobs. After all, who could be more knowledgeable about finance than a Ph.D. holder in the field?

I switched to a higher-paying job, which pays more than double what my previous job did. Unfortunately, it was a project-based role, and when the funding dried up after a year, I found myself jobless. Initially, I wasn’t too concerned; with my highest degree and 15 years of experience, I thought job offers would flood in. I applied to the top 20 jobs in my field, and guess what happened? Not a single recruiter contacted me.

The lack of response was a shock. I hadn’t anticipated such a negative outcome. Over the next few months, I realized that a degree is merely an entry ticket, not a guarantee of success. Even securing a job after obtaining a degree doesn’t ensure career prosperity.

The lesson I learned is invaluable

“it’s your skills, not your degree, that truly determine your worth in the job market”

I am not saying that a degree is not required, but what matters most in this era where companies are looking for individuals who can hit the ground running is more important than the number of degrees you have. Over the next few years, I have learned new skills and was able to achieve financial success that I was unable to achieve in the previous 15 years. I believe that anyone with a clear goal of becoming financially free can do it, even with a 9-5 job or with little formal education. My formula was very simple:


Although seemingly simple, this formula embodies a complete ideology. That is why I have this blog: to help you set your financial goals, give you motivation to learn new skills, share ideas on how to manage money, and provide venues for investments with your savings. So let’s work together to achieve financial success.